How to make follow/unfollow a user and like/dislike a post GraphQL schema? How to get the count of likes/dislikes and followers/following?

I saw a document about how to make self relational model for follow/unfollow but I’m unable to understand that. I have tried. But I can’t complete it. Below my code:

type User @model{
    id: ID!
    userId: String!
    username: String!
    email: String!
    email_verified: Boolean!
    follower: [UserLink]! @hasMany
    following:[UserLink]! @hasMany(indexName: "followingUser")
type UserLink @model{
     creator: User!
     follower: User!

Hi @Asit_Dixit and welcome! :wave:

The @model and @hasMany are not directives that our API understands. Are you coming from AWS Amplify?

Fauna’s GraphQL API uses particular @ directives to define things like relationships, indexes, user-defined functions, etc. You can check out our documentation here: GraphQL directives - Fauna Documentation

If you are just getting started with GraphQL and Fauna, then I also recommend going through our GraphQL Quickstart and following up with the tutorials: GraphQL tutorials - Fauna Documentation

We also have a short article on how to create a self-referential model. For your schema, creating a many-to-many connection between a type and itself might look something like this

type User {
    id: ID!
    userId: String!
    username: String!
    email: String!
    email_verified: Boolean!
    follower: [UserLink]! @relation(name: "creator") 
    following:[UserLink]! @relation(name: "follower") 
type UserLink {
     creator: User! @relation(name: "creator") 
     follower: User! @relation(name: "follower") 

Hi @Asit_Dixit do you still need help with your GraphQL schema for Fauna?

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