Index bindings in v10 - Using H3 for bounding box query

Hello @vfa and welcome! :wave:

  1. Bindings are not available in v10. Bindings will be replaced with Computed Fields defined directly on the Collections, rather than indexes. However, we’ve not launched Computed Fields yet. In the mean time, any values you want to index on must be calculated and written to the documents within your own queries.
  2. Translating the h3 hash function into v10 should make it MUCH clearer. The biggest thing is that FQL v10 has bitwise operators :tada:!!

updating the Put it all together section could be done like this

let getH3parents = (h3) => {
  // Define constants
  let RMASK = 67553994410557440
  let RCLEAR = 9155818042444218367
    [63050394783186944, 7],
    [58546795155816448, 63],
    [54043195528445952, 511],
    [49539595901075456, 4095],
    [45035996273704960, 32767],
    [40532396646334464, 262143],
    [36028797018963968, 2097151],
    [31525197391593472, 16777215],
    [27021597764222976, 134217727],
    [22517998136852480, 1073741823],
    [18014398509481984, 8589934591],
    [13510798882111488, 68719476735],
    [9007199254740992, 549755813887],
    [4503599627370496, 4398046511103],
    [0, 35184372088831],

  // Filter the table
  let current_res = h3 & RMASK
  let parent_consts_filtered = PARENT_CONSTS.where(c => c[0] < current_res)

  // Calculate the parent indexes
  let h3_nores = h3 & RCLEAR
  let parents = => {
    let res = c[0]
    let fill = c[1]

    h3_nores | res | fill


// calculate for mock document
let doc = { h3: 644722037633318912 }

For #3, I’m not familiar with the h3-js library and respective functions polygonToCells, compactCells, etc. Does this FQL v10 lambda help you out?