List references

@wallslide @Jay-Fauna
I changed the schema section to:

type Player {
active: Boolean!
rank: Int!
ranking: Ranking! @relation
playerInfo: User @relation
challenger: Player @relation

and this schema successfully uploaded with the relevant indexes being created. I created the following e.g.:

mutation UpdateAPlayer {
id: "287857067752948225"
data: {
active: true
ranking: { connect: "282953512300577285" }
rank: 1
playerInfo: { connect: "283120055707763201" }
challenger: { connect: "287856474860814849" }
) {
ranking {
playerInfo {
challenger {

I can use similar to createAPlayer (without a challenger) and above works to add a challenger. However, to remove the challenger (after a challenge has completed) I attempted to update without a challenger field (similar to create). This gave me:

"message": "An internal server error occurred. Please contact Fauna support."

Have I caused this by attempting an illegal operation?
Or is there some other reason for this error message?
thanks …