I am working on developing an advanced pattern for generating FQL, based on a dynamic list of search criteria.
I put the following together, but I’d love to hear feedback on this and any suggestions other requirements or ways to extend this. Maybe enabling “OR” elements, or a mechanism to pick the right index with different covered values.
And are there other kinds of solutions you have found to work well? Let us know!
You have an application that needs to search through a Collection with any number of search terms. These terms may be checking for equality, inequality, the existence of a relationship, etc.
There is a documentation page all about working with multiple Sets, but how can you scale that up to work with some unknown, dynamic combination of search criteria?
Some examples with FQL
You may have written a number of indexes for your collection, and are now tempted to combine them to fulfill a search. As you will see, I don’t recommend it, but you can build an intersection by simply checking if each value in the first index’s results is included in the next index’s results, then repeat with the next. Here is an example using the demo data available when you create a database in the dashboard.
let A = Product.byName("limes")
let B = Product.byCategory(Category.byName("produce").first()!)
let C = Product.sortedByPriceLowToHigh({ to: 500 })
A.where(doc => B.includes(doc))
.where(doc => C.includes(doc))
This can be efficient if the primary index does not include covered values for the search AND the subsequent indexes are small. That is to say, REALLY small: 10 to 25 results maximum. .includes()
is a linear operation, so anything more than that, and the compute cost of iterating through the indexes over and over easily exceeds the cost of reading documents. And if you can guarantee your index only produces 10 to 25 results, you really should be considering those as your “primary” index and reading the documents to filter them.
Therefore, the preferred way to combine filtering requirements is to compare the values directly.
.where(doc => doc.category == Category.byName("produce").first()!)
.where(doc => doc.price < 500 )
Because of the compute limitation, this will almost always work better than the .includes()
method. In the best case, all filtered values are covered by the index, but it can perform terribly if no values are covered (every document will be read). You might not be able to guarantee values are covered for ALL search criteria, so which method you choose might depend on what covered values are available, the cardinality of the index, and how large the index results are expected to be.
.where(doc => Product.byCategory(Category.byName("produce").first()!).includes(doc))
.where(doc => doc.price < 500 )
Building with the driver
So how do we build these kinds of queries dynamically? I’ve used the Javascript driver here, but the idea of composing FQL snippets together is applicable to any language or driver.
In the JS driver you can use the fql`` tagged template function to save a snippet and reuse later.
// JS
let query = fql`Product.byName("limes")`
const filters = [
fql`.where(doc => doc.category == Category.byName("produce").first()!)`,
fql`.where(doc => doc.price < 500 )`
filters.forEach(filter => {
// append each filter to the query
query = fql`${query}${filter}`
There are a lot of ways that you can use FQL snippets and interpolation to dynamically compose queries.
Advanced example
Here is a much more complex example, using typescript, of a function that can build arbitrary queries based on a list of search terms.
* A JS object with sorted list of indexes or filters
* Javascript maintains key order for objects! Sort items in this map by most
* selective to least selective.
type QueryMap = Record<string, (...args: any[]) => Query>
/** An object to respresent a search argument
* `type` is either "by" or "range" to represent whether it is intented to
* filter by a specific value or range of values.
type SearchTerm = {
name: string
args: any[]
* Constructs an optimal query by prioritizing the most selective index and then
* applying necessary filters.
* @param default_query - The initial query to which indices and filters are applied.
* @param index_map - A map of index names to functions that generate query components.
* @param filter_map - A map of filter names to functions that generate query components.
* @param search_terms - An array of search terms that specify the type and arguments
* for constructing the query.
* @returns The constructed query after applying all relevant indices and filters.
const build_search = (
default_query: Query,
index_map: QueryMap,
filter_map: QueryMap,
search_terms: SearchTerm[]
): Query => {
// local copy so we don't mutate the original
const _search_terms = [...search_terms]
// initialize a default query in case no other indexes are available to be used.
let query: Query = default_query
// iterate through the index map, from most specific to least specific
build_index_query: for (const index_name of Object.keys(
)) {
// iterate through each search term to check if it matches the highest priority index
for (const search_term of _search_terms) {
// If a match is found, update the query, remove the search term from the
// list, and break out of the loop.
if (index_name === search_term.name) {
query = index_map[search_term.name](...search_term.args)
_search_terms.splice(_search_terms.indexOf(search_term), 1)
break build_index_query
// iterate through the filter map, from most specific to least specific
for (const filter_name of Object.keys(filter_map)) {
// iterate through each search term to check if it matches the highest priority filter
for (const search_term of _search_terms) {
// If a match is found, update the query and remove the search term from
// the list.
if (filter_name === search_term.name) {
const filter = filter_map[search_term.name](...search_term.args)
query = fql`${query}${filter}`
_search_terms.splice(_search_terms.indexOf(search_term), 1)
// if there are remaining search terms, we weren't able to build the full query
if (_search_terms.length > 0) {
throw new Error("Unable to build query")
return query
This function lets you provide a javascript object as a priority map full of indexes and filters (which can use indexes) to generate your query. It doesn’t matter what order in which you provide arguments: it will use the highest priority index available and then order the priority of filters as well.
Here’s an example, replicating the demo data queries again.
// Javascript maintains key order for objects! Sort items in this map by most
// selective to least selective.
const product_index_priority_map: QueryMap = {
by_order: (id: string) =>
by_name: (name: string) => fql`Product.byName(${name})`,
by_category: (category: string) =>
range_price: (range: { from?: number; to?: number }) =>
const product_filter_map: QueryMap = {
by_name: (name: string) => fql`.where(.name == ${name})`,
by_category: (category: string) =>
fql`.where(.category == Category.byName(${category}).first()!)`,
range_price: ({ from, to }: { from?: number; to?: number }) => {
if (from && to) {
return fql`.where(.price >= ${from} && .price <= ${to})`
} else if (from) {
return fql`.where(.price >= ${from})`
} else if (to) {
return fql`.where(.price <= ${to})`
return fql``
const product_filter_with_indexes_map: QueryMap = {
by_name: (name: string) =>
fql`.where(doc => Product.byName(${name}).includes(doc))`,
by_category: (category: string) =>
fql`.where(doc => Product.byCategory(Category.byName(${category}).first()!).includes(doc))`,
range_price: (range: { from?: number; to?: number }) =>
fql`.where(doc => Product.sortedByPriceLowToHigh(${range}).includes(doc))`,
const order_id = (await client.query(fql`Order.all().first()!`))
const query = build_search(
// { name: "by_name", args: ["limes"] },
// { name: "by_category", args: ["produce"] },
{ name: "price_range", args: [{ to: 1000 }] },
{ name: "by_order", args: [order_id] },
const res = await client.query(query)