Get multiple properties from document

How do I select multiple properties from the data object on an Document?
Is there any way to do this using an FQL Function?

Thanks in advance!

Map(Paginate(Documents(Collection("guilds"))),Lambda("g", Select("data", Get(Var("g")))))
I have this current function to get all the data properties from all the documents

Hi @comic-dev I hope I understand your question correctly.

You can return an Array or an Object from an FQL query. And you can use FQL inside of such an Array or Object to return whatever form you would like.

Select and Let are the key functions here.

// Can repeat yourself, but that gets tedious
  field1: Select(['data', 'field1'], Get(Ref(Collection('Thing'), '1234')))
  renameWhateverYouWant: Select(['data', 'field2'], Get(Ref(Collection('Thing'), '1234')))
  someOtherComplexFQLQuery: Paginate(Union(Match(Index........

// So it can be easier to organize with `Let`

// Single document
    documentRef: Ref(Collection('Thing'), '1234')
    document:  Get(Var('documentRef'))
    field1: Select(['data', 'field1'], Var('document'))
    renameWhateverYouWant: Select(['data', 'field2'], Var('document'))
    someOtherComplexFQLQuery: Paginate(Union(Match(Index........

// Multiple documents
        document:  Get(Var('documentRef'))
        field1: Select(['data', 'field1'], Var('document'))
        renameWhateverYouWant: Select(['data', 'field2'], Var('document'))
        someOtherComplexFQLQuery: Paginate(Union(Match(Index........

Ahh, so I can use an array instead of an single value as the first argument of Select?

And does the field1 refer to the first key or the key with the field1 name?

Yes, there are examples in the docs of this. The first argument to Select is like a path.

example from the docs:

  ['favorites', 'foods', 1],
  { favorites: { foods: ['crunchings', 'munchings', 'lunchings'] } },

// "crunchings"
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This is what Iā€™m using right now, Thanks so much!

					{ data: Select('data', Get(Var('g'))) },
						commands: Select('commands', Var('data')),
						guild: Select('guild', Var('data'))
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