graphQL schema definition for query by linked document

I’m unable to find a single GraphQL example of this, but it’s done over and over again in the FaunaQL examples. I have a User document which acts as an “owner” of a Character document. I’m trying to define a query in GraphQL to search for characters owned by a logged in user and can not find a way to display this in GraphQL while also being compatible with Fauna’s GraphQL linter when uploading.

My current code (and how I’d expect this to work):

type Character @collection(name: "Characters") {
  name: String!
  description: String
  owner: User!

type User @collection(name: "Users") {
  email: String!

type Query {
  characterByName(name: String): [Character!]! @index(name: "character_by_name")
  charactersByOwner(owner: User!): [Character!]! @index(name: "characters_by_owner")

When I try to upload this into the GraphQL page in my database I get this error:
Type ‘User’ is not an input type type. (line 65, column 28):

But if I try to put anything else in place of User, it tells me the owner field type IS User.

I believe I’ve finally fixed this issue, so I’ll add my current fix for future googlers.
Rather than trying to create a query directly, I revamped the relationship between objects which auto-generated an appropriate query for me.

type Character @collection(name: "Characters") {
  name: String!
  creator: User! @relation(name: "user_created_characters")

type User @collection(name: "Users") {
  email: String!,
  created_characters: [Character!] @relation(name: "user_created_characters")

This is a one-to-many link between two documents and the “user_created_characters” relation name becomes the basis for the query name

It’s annoying I haven’t actually scene this example used in any of the Fauna GraphQL documentation even though this a standard query for any platform rendering user-created content.