I would like to use a single-tenant Microsoft App JWT for authentication for Fauna, but my problem is adding the aud claim to the token: I can’t change the default app ID that’s set to it.
Has anyone successfully configured Microsoft Entra as an identity provider (idp) for Fauna? Is there a way to edit the aud claim?
I’m unsure if this question is entirely appropriate/related to Fauna’s forum but I have not found any useful information elsewhere.
Sorry for the late reply. Based on my research, the aud claim for Entra ID JWTs can only contain your app’s Application ID. It’s not possible to change or configure the aud claim:
If you’d like to use Entra with Fauna, one option is to use an Azure Function to append a custom claim for a Fauna token to the JWTs. This is similar to the setup for Amazon Cognito, which uses Lambda Functions: Amazon Cognito - Fauna Docs
I’ll work on documenting a Entra-specific guide. I hope this helps in the meanwhile.