Indexes - Unique with multiple terms


I have this index.

  name: "test_unique_multiple",
  unique: true,
  serialized: true,
  source: "Car",
  terms: [
      field: ["data", "owner"]
      field: ["data", "test1"]
      field: ["data", "test2"]
      field: ["data", "test3"]

And i want create two documents.

  "owner":Get(Ref(Collection("users"), "276477638613139986"))
  "test1": "1",
  "test2": "2",
  "test3": "3"
  "owner":Get(Ref(Collection("users"), "276477821214261778"))
  "test1": "1",
  "test2": "2",
  "test3": "3"

Two owners different as you see. but has error with ‘document is not unique’
Has anybody else experienced this?

Any help would be appreciated :grin:

Objects don’t actually get indexed. Since you are saving an object to data.owner, it is not being indexed, and only data.test1, data.tes2, data.test3 are being included.

Question: why are you Geting the user to save in the Car? Usually, you just save the Ref. E.g.

"owner": Ref(Collection("users"), "276477638613139986")
"test1": "1",
"test2": "2",
"test3": "3"
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understand. Thanks for answer.

I was just trying to avoid N + 1 requests and unique with reference.
Saving Ref not working the index unique (owner:ref, test1:‘ok’),so i trying with Get.

If you want to save a copy of the user data you can still do that. To make the unique index work, you can use a binding and use the binding as a term.

The binding would be a simple scalar field taken from the user ref, that is, the ID value, which can then be used as a unique identifier for the index.

See the docs on bindings

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Thanks @ptpaterson !
I hadn’t seen this section(binding) on

Cool! Hope you can get working how you want it :slight_smile: Of course, reply back if you still have more questions.

You can do some pretty cool things using bindings on indexes.

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