Is it possible to create document id like 'dca739b6-d3f2-49d7-89e3-1dd228a3b0b4'

code I am using as in python as

 doc=fclient.query(q.create(q.ref(q.collection("Session"), id),{"data": {"title": "The first post"}}))

Getting below error any help or advice pls…

"ErrorData(code='invalid argument', description=\"Number or numeric String expected, non-numeric 'dca739b6-d3f2-49d7-89e3-1dd228a3b0b4' provided.\", position=['create', 'id'], failures=None)

No. The document ID portion of a reference must be a long integer expressed as a string (to avoid truncation in languages with smaller-than-expected upper limits for long ints).

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