I’ve started working with FaunaDB a week ago. I’ve compiled a relatively small list of the things I “bookmarked” to quickly find them again.
Don’t hesitate to add your own set of resources that have helped you!
I’m working on GitHub - Vadorequest/poc-nextjs-reaflow: (POC) Realtime Workflow Editor, using Next.js, Reaflow and FaunaDB and my experiments are available there.
Understanding FaunaDB
- Introducing new capabilities for collaboration, third-party authentication and real-time streaming
- JavaScript driver | Fauna Documentation
Streaming (early) | Fauna Documentation
- Billing | Fauna Documentation
Authentication/authorization OSS project examples
- GitHub - fauna-brecht/skeleton-auth
- Authentication and authorization | Fauna Documentation
- GitHub - magiclabs/example-nextjs-faunadb-todomvc
RWA (real-world apps)
- Rethinking Twitter as a Serverless App | Fauna Documentation
- GitHub - fauna-brecht/skeleton-auth
- GitHub - fillipvt/with-graphql-faunadb-cookie-auth: A template to integrate a httpOnly cookie auth flow with Next.js, FaunaDB, Apollo Server and react-query/graphql-request
- GitHub - fauna-brecht/fauna-streaming-example
- GitHub - magiclabs/example-nextjs-faunadb-todomvc
- Instant GraphQL Backend with Fine-grained Security Using FaunaDB | CSS-Tricks
- GitHub - ptpaterson/faunadb-graphql-schema-loader: A package for making GraphQL schemas easy to work with using FaunaDB.
- GitHub - Plazide/fauna-gql-upload: A simple CLI for uploading a GraphQL schema, resolver functions, and more to a FaunaDB database.
- with-graphql-faunadb-cookie-auth/uploadSchema.js at master · fillipvt/with-graphql-faunadb-cookie-auth · GitHub
- Modernizing from PostgreSQL to Serverless with Fauna Part 3
- GitHub - shiftx/faunadb-fql-lib
- Overview | Fauna Documentation
- faunadb-auth-skeleton-frontend/fql.js at default · fauna-brecht/faunadb-auth-skeleton-frontend · GitHub
- GitHub - n400/awesome-faunadb: Curated list of FaunaDB resources
- react-faunadb-hook.mkd · GitHub React hook
- FaunaDB Relations: GraphQL schemas, mutations and resulting documents · GitHub GraphQL relation query examples
- FaunaDB Query builder + test · GitHub Query builder
- GitHub - fauna-brecht/fauna-schema-migrate
- Automating FaunaDB backups. Using FaunaDB makes serverless a breeze… | by Jeremy Hall | Medium Backups via GHA
- Install the Fauna Data Manager | Fauna Documentation