No form/function found, or invalid argument keys: { lambda, expr }

Trying to create a UDF in node with:

function GetItems(client) {
        Lambda(['score', 'authorRef'], Match(Index('by_author'), Var('authorRef')))  
      // the created time has served its purpose for sorting.
      Lambda(['createdtime', 'ref'], Var('ref'))
  return FQLStatement

is causing:

No form/function found, or invalid argument keys: { lambda, expr }.

wondering what I am doing wrong? Thank you

Paginate takes an array or set, not a Lambda.

Try this instead:

function GetItems() {
    const FQLStatement = q.Map(
      Paginate(Match(Index('by_author'), Var('authorRef'))),
      // the created time has served its purpose for sorting.
      Lambda(['createdtime', 'ref'], Var('ref'))
  return FQLStatement
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