Schema with resolver function to add multiple objects as separate documents to a collection

I have the following schema, such that a User can have multiple Forms and a form can have multiple inputs. This works well as of now.

type Form {
  name: String!
  index: Int!
  user: User
  formInputVals: [FormInputVal!] @relation

type FormInputVal {
  name: String!
  index: Int!
  type: String!
  formRoot: Form!

type User {
  name: String!
  email: String!
  password: String!
  forms: [Form] @relation

type Query {
  allForms: [Form!]
  allUsers: [User!]
  allFormInputVals: [FormInputVal!]

However my issue arrises when I try to do a mutation where I add multiple inputs at a time. See my ui will return to me an array of objects like this.

	"__typename": "FormInputVal",
	"name": "Product Image #1",
	"type": "image"
}, {
	"__typename": "FormInputVal",
	"name": "Description",
	"type": "text"
}, {
	"__typename": "FormInputVal",
	"name": "Product Image",
	"type": "text"

I then want to create a mutation that takes all three of these objects, for a specified Form by connection ID, and creates 3 documents of the type FormInputVal. Thus the Form with say id 1234 has three associated inputs if I were to do a graphQL query for such, but in the collection FormInputVal there are three new documents.

I tried looking at @resolvers and running a fauna function, but got kinda lost. In that case I am not sure what I even pass in the mutation, currently the mutation asks for a data, with the fields on the document, but what If I wanted to pass an array of objects with the same fields.

Also is there a better way to arcitecht what I am doing? Esentially I have a form that uses react state to add new elements to itself (user generated inputs) and I want to update the DB after the user saves the entire form, not at every point they create a input because that should be handled by the state.

I also posted a much more indepth question on stack overflow if any one could take a look.

So I am trying to understand the resolver connection to the lambda, I have modified my schema to look like this

type Form {
  name: String!
  index: Int!
  user: User
  formInputVals: [FormInputVal!] @relation

type FormInputVal {
  name: String!
  index: Int!
  type: String!
  formRoot: Form!

type User {
  name: String!
  email: String!
  password: String!
  forms: [Form] @relation

type Query {
  allForms: [Form!]
  allUsers: [User!]
  allFormInputVals: [FormInputVal!]

input FormInputValInput {
  name: String!
  index: Int!
  type: String!

type Mutation {
  multipleInputs(input: FormInputValInput): FormInputVal!
    @resolver(name: "multiple_inputs")

Here is the function body at this point

Query(Lambda(["input"], []))

I ended up sending multiple single update queries after mapping my array of objects that changed.