UDFs meets node, shortage of how-to's

There certainly is, though I am not doubting you are having issues. I can try to help.

Can you share the CreateUserInput and LoginUserInput input types?

if it looks like

input CreateUserInput {
  username: String
  password: String

Then this should work

import { Client, query as q } from 'faunadb'

const client = new Client({
  secret: MYSECRET // assuming this has `create` privileges on the User collection

client.query(q.Call('create_user', { username: 'jason', password: 'abc1234' } ))
  .then(res => console.log(res)) // or do whatever with the response

If you are still getting errors, stringify the WHOLE response.

Also, if you want to inspect what the value of input var is then you can use Abort to inspect it. Update the UDF to something like this:

    Abort(Format('%@', Var('input'))

Then call and see what you get.