I have the following:
Custom resolver function:
cId: Select("cId", Var("data")),
itemIds: Select("itemIds", Var("data"))
Update(Ref(Collection("collections"), Var("cId")), {
data: {
items: Map(
Lambda("id", Ref(Collection("cart_items"), Var("id")))
Mutation schema:
input UpdateCollectionItemsInput {
cId: ID!
itemIds: [ID!]!
type Mutation {
updateCollectionItems(data: UpdateCollectionItemsInput!): Collection @resolver(name: "update_collection_items")
And running the following in Graphql Playground:
mutation UpdateCollectionItems($data: UpdateCollectionItemsInput!) {
collection: updateCollectionItems(data: $data) {
With the following params:
"data": {
"cId": "289714644730249734",
"itemIds": ["289715074820473350"]
However, I keep getting the following error:
"errors": [
"message": "Value not found at path [cId].",
"extensions": {
"code": "value not found"
The same code seems to work fine when I run it via Shell:
Call("update_collection_items", {
cId: "289714644730249734",
itemIds: ["289715074820473350"]