VSCode Plugin - Can't run multi line queries

I receive the error “Unexpected end of input” when running any query via the VSCode Plugin.

It seems that others have also encountered this issue (https://fauna-community.slack.com/archives/CAKNYCHCM/p1606401314015500?thread_ts=1606399271.013600&cid=CAKNYCHCM).

A workaround (albeit a bad one) is to place the entire FQL statement on one line.

  Lambda("bmRef", Get(Var("bmRef")))
Unexpected end of input

@infornite, I have created a bug for this issue. Thanks for raising it here.

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Downgrading to v1.5 of the vscode extension fixes the issue in the meantime

Though I see a commit was pushed to the github repo 2 days ago that apparently fixes this. Hopefully an update will be released soon, or in the meantime you could always try visual studio code - Install extension from a specific repo/branch on GitHub? - Stack Overflow