Weird index not returning data problem

I have a GraphQL schema that looks like this:

type User {
  firstName: String
  lastName: String
  email: String
  groups: [Group] @relation(name: "members")

type Group {
  name: String
  members: [User] @relation(name: "members")
  startDate: String

This creates an index called members_by_group and a Collection called members.

I have a Query:

findGroupByID(id: $id){

This query results in an instance not found error. But there is data in the members collection.

  "ref": Ref(Collection("members"), "351058485137375832"),
  "ts": 1671054310890000,
  "data": {
    "groupID": Ref(Collection("Group"), "329795413068481106"),
    "userID": Ref(Collection("User"), "329431630822244946")

Using the fauna shell however results in no data:

Paginate(Match(Index("members_by_group"), "329795413068481106"))

  data: []

I have tried rebuilding the index multiple times but that does not seem to work.
These are the index settings:

There are only 6 members documents and 8 Group documents and nothing seems a miss there.

Any ideas on how I can get the above query working again? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @levimoore !

What id are you passing in the fundGroupByID query?

I have tried importing your schema and I was able to get results with this query

query findGroupMembers{
  findGroupByID(id: "354335889813405781"){

Here is my Group document

  "ref": Ref(Collection("Group"), "354335889813405781"),
  "ts": 1674179887540000,
  "data": {
    "name": "writers",
    "startDate": "01-20-2022"

The index takes groupID as the term which is defined as a ref (as opposed to a string) in the members collection.
"groupID": Ref(Collection("Group"), "329795413068481106")

So the following query should return the document:

Paginate(Match(Index("members_by_group"), Ref(Collection("Group"), "329795413068481106")))

Hope that helps!

The above did work thank you for the clarification. My query still does not work though…

Sorry for all the screenshots but you can see the Paginate call in the shell returns the three user Refs, and those members are the only ones that exist in the members collection with that groupID

It was missing data after all. :roll_eyes: A user document was missing. So the instance not found error was correct. I deleted the member document that had the offending Ref(Collection("User"..... and the query works again.

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