Fauna CLI missed a function to upload


Fauna CLI missed to upload the function verifyUserExists which is stored in verifyUserExists.fql

Commands: fauna schema diff, fauna schema push, fauna schema commit



I see that the file extension on that file is .fql. If you update it to .fsl does it resolve the issue?

Schema files uploaded to Fauna must end in .fsl: Fauna Core API - Fauna Docs

Filenames must end in .fsl and can’t start with *. Requests with an invalid filename return an error with a 400 HTTP status code.

True… Now it’s working…:see_no_evil: Do you plan to add .fsl language support for vscode? Then it would be pretty easy to see if I did such a typo.

The VSCode extension already has support for FSL syntax highlighting. I don’t think we can do anything about a files with different extensions. There may be other files alongside your schema and that’s totally fine from our perspective.

ok good hint - I’ve seen there are now two - Fauna v4 and Fauna and I had Fauna v4 installed - with Fauna it works now :+1:

PS: I was only aiming to syntax highlighting for .fsl files, because now I see directly that I did a typo if the syntax highlighting is gone - so everything is fine now🙂

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