The Fauna Dev Docker image uses the default secret of secret. No additional key generation is required.
For a specific database, it is not possible to generated a key with a fixed secret; that would be a security issue.
If you need multiple processes to operate on the same database using the same secret, export the secret received from key generation into an environment variable (or other data sharing mechanism) to do so.
For example, you could write a script that calls fauna create-key ... and captures the generated secret from the output. Then update the $HOME/.fauna-shell configuration file to create a new endpoint definition that is based on the database name and includes the secret.
I think the main point here is that you execute a fauna-shell command in the faunadb container which integrates the fauna-shell - where you can just use the fauna-shell as you like. That implies setting a key, defining endpoints etc. respectively what the shell is capable of doing.