Hi, just wanted to know if there is a limit to Indexes on the Free Plan?
I have an Index which Collection source has over 2k documents, but, the Index for this collection is only indexing a handfull of documents.
Please advise.
Hi, just wanted to know if there is a limit to Indexes on the Free Plan?
I have an Index which Collection source has over 2k documents, but, the Index for this collection is only indexing a handfull of documents.
Please advise.
Hi @luvagu. There are no caps on the number of index entries. There are limits to the size of index entries, though: max size of combined terms and values is 64 kB.
Beyond that, Roles also filter out documents for which the caller does not have read permission, which can limit the number of results.
If you are still having trouble setting up your indexes, please provide the index definition and an example document you think should be included in the index but isn’t. Please also provide related Role information.
Hi @ptpaterson,
Thanks for the quick reply.
Right, so based on your answer, I understand that my index may have an issue. This is my setup:
Role: Admin
Collection name: diagnostics
Document data shape: { code: ‘123’, desc: ‘abc’ }
Aprox Collection size: 5000k docs
Index name: search_diagnostics
FQL Index setup:
name: "search_diagnostics",
source: {
collection: Collection("diagnostics"),
fields: {
fulltext: Query(
LowerCase(Select(["data", "code"], Var("doc"))),
LowerCase(Select(["data", "desc"], Var("doc")))
" "
terms: [],
values: [
field: ["data", "code"]
field: ["data", "desc"]
binding: "fulltext"
Doc Index shape for each doc:
"123 abc"
The setup looks good and it is what I expect, but the number of documents indexed is only 100.
Is this expected or do I have to do something to increase the number of documents indexed from diagnostics Collection?
Are there any documents that don’t have one or the other field? Neither of these Select
calls provide a default, which can result in an error and no index entry if the value is not found.
Just checked and all documents have code and desc attributes.
Okay. Please create a ticket at support.fauna.com with your account email. Let us know what database (Region Group and database path) you are working on and we can take a closer look.
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