GraphQL schema problem trying to Query an object

Hi guys, Need some hopefully quick help with getting a schema setup. I have a collection of addresses with geocoded gps coordinates as an object.

type Office_Locations {
  Office_ID: String!
  Address: String!
  City: String!
  Province: String!
  geocodelocation: Location
  geocodetimezone: String
  Geocoded: Boolean

type Location {
  lat: Float
  lng: Float

type Query {
  Geocoded(Geocoded: Boolean): [Office_Locations!]

I am succesfully able to query the geocodetimezone like this:

query {
  Geocoded(Geocoded: true) {
    data {

But the problem is when I try to query the coordinates like this

query {
  Geocoded(Geocoded: true) {
    data {
	  geocodelocation {

I get an error from Fauna

  "errors": [
      "message": "Ref or Set expected, Object provided.",
      "extensions": {
        "code": "invalid argument"

It looks like it’s a problem with the schema and not understanding the type Location properly. Can someone help me explain how define the schema so it’s an object with lat and lng and how to query that back? I’m assuming this is super simple but just a learning curve problem in knowing how to define the schema to include inner objects properly. Thanks in advance for your help!

Here’s what one of the Documents looks like for your reference:

  Province: "ON",
  Office_ID: "10000",
  Address: "123 Main Street",
  City: "Pickering",
  geocodelocation: {
    lat: 43.13851,
    lng: -79.088272
  geocodetimezone: "America/Toronto",
  Geocoded: true

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Hi @Hal

Your schema has one-to-one relation between Office_Locations and Location which means the data geocodelocation should have a reference to Location document. But in the example you gave location is embedded.

Two ways to resolve this.

  1. Update your schema to use @embedded directive i.e. modify type Location to type Location @embedded
  2. Update your Office_Location document to have Ref of Location instead of object.

How did you create the Office_Locations and Location documents ? My guess is you used Create using FQL and GraphQL API is not able to translate because for the relation it was expecting a ref or set but Object was provided.

More details on what happens behind the scenes with your schema

  1. Each type creates a Collection

      data: [Collection("Office_Locations"), 
  2. Each type Query creates an Index

       data: [Index("Geocoded")]
  3. One to One relation does not create any additional Index but stores the reference of other document.

Created an Office_Locations and Location documents through GraphQL API.

Query to Fetch documents with Geocoded: true

How is data stored in database ?


Map(Paginate(Documents(Collection("Office_Locations"))), Lambda("x", Get(Var("x"))))
 data: [
     ref: Ref(Collection("Office_Locations"), "278646283541938694"),
     ts: 1601996654648000,
     data: {
       geocodetimezone: "America/Toronto",
       Province: "ON",
       geocodelocation: Ref(Collection("Location"), "278646283460149766"),
       Address: "123 Main Street",
       Office_ID: "10000",
       Geocoded: true,
       City: "Pickering"


Map(Paginate(Documents(Collection("Location"))), Lambda("x", Get(Var("x"))))

  data: [
      ref: Ref(Collection("Location"), "278646283460149766"),
      ts: 1601996654648000,
      data: {
        lat: 43.13851,
        lng: -79.088272

Hope this helps.


Wow. Thank you for the detail. This solved my issue while giving me a deeper understanding.

I was getting the same error when querying my DB. The difference being I created my initial collections and documents in the web dashboard like this:

  user: {
    email: "",

@Jay-Fauna pointed me in the right direction: the document requires a Ref of Location to another document instead of an object. Solved in the web dashboard using:

  user: Ref(Collection("User"), "1234567980")

Where User is the collection name and 1234567890 is the document / user’s ID (so the User objects need to be created first).