How are operations counted?


I have created a new account today.

I never had a database or anything created on my account.

Yet, I already have Read and Compute operations.

Question: How come?

Hi @pwicherski and welcome! :wave:

The dashboard uses the same API and Javascript driver as you would to fetch data from your account. That includes reading a list of databases, collections, documents, etc.

Our billing documentation contains details about how queries are charged for read, write and compute. Billing - Fauna Docs

For example, reading a list of databases to populate the home page would be a query like Database.all() which will require at least 8 Transaction Read Ops (TROs) for reading the “all” index, plus 1 TRO for each Database document read. If your dashboard is reporting 16 TROs, then that was likely from loading the home page a couple times.

The free plan has limits on the total amount of ops per month you are permitted to use. The usage from navigating around the dashboard will go towards your limit.

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Oh! That’s an interesting approach.

And a clear, easy answer. Thanks @ptpaterson :raised_hands:

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