Internal Server Error help

Whilst making a previously valid GraphQL query this evening I received the following response:

  "errors": [
      "message": "An internal server error occurred. Please contact Fauna support."

Can anyone from the fauna team assist?

Hi @Darryl_Naidu and welcome!

Are you getting this constantly or is intermittent?
In case, may you provide me with the mail you used for registration in private?


Hi Luigi,

I have responded privately with email address though following up to continue thread. This issue has been consistent since January 8 though I have not previously seen this before. I am racing to get this product shipped before pricing changes so any help as soon as possible would be much appreciated.

Hy @Darryl_Naidu ,

I’m checking the issue you are having.
I’ll keep you posted.


Thanks @Luigi_Servini, any luck today?

Hi @Luigi_Servini Luigi,

Any luck here? The issue persists, I am conscious that there may be an issue with my queries though it doesn’t appear this way to me, especially with a query that worked previously. I am really at a stand still here with this not working.

Has anyone else experienced this error previously?

Hi @Darryl_Naidu @Luigi_Servini is Out Of Office. I will take a look at this.

@Jay-Fauna Hi. I am getting the same error when I reload the PlayGround page. At the same time (possibly a separate issue (?)) the schema/docs will not display (I just get a rotating circle)

@FreeRoss, I will reach out to you shortly with all the information I need to troubleshoot this.

@Jay-Fauna thanks, Jay. FYI - the problem has disappeared. If it’s easy to do your troubleshoot information may be a useful reference in case it resurfaces. From my perspective, currently, it doesn’t appear to be an issue …

Hi Jay,
The problem has re-surfaced in the context of my doing updates in PG.
The schema is currently:

type User {
active: Boolean!
username: String!
description: String
email: String
mobile: String
playedAs: [Player!]! @relation

type Player {
rank: Int!
ranking: Ranking! @relation
playerInfo: User @relation
challenger: Player @relation

type Ranking {
active: Boolean!
rankingname: String!
rankingdesc: String
player: Player @relation

type Mutation {
  createNewUser(active: Boolean!, username : String!, password : String!, description: String, email: String, mobile: String): loginResult! @resolver(name: "create_new_user")
  loginUser(username: String!, password: String!): loginResult! @resolver(name: "login_user")

type Query {
  allUserNames: [String!]! @resolver(name: "all_user_names")
  allPlayerUIDs: [String!]! @resolver(name: "all_player_uids")
  allPlayerRanks: [Int!]! @resolver(name: "all_player_ranks")
  allPlayerChallengerUIDs: [String!]! @resolver(name: "all_player_challenger_uids")
  allPlayers: [Player] @resolver(name: "all_players")
  allRankings: [Ranking] @resolver(name: "all_rankings")
  allUsers: [User] @resolver(name: "all_users")
  gotPlayersByRankingId (rankingid: String!): [Player] @resolver(name: "got_players_byrankingid")
  gotRankingIdsByPlayer (uid: String!): [String] @resolver(name: "got_rankings_byplayerid")

type loginResult @embedded
  token : String
  logginUser : User

I re-booted my laptop and re: logged-in to the FaunaDB in case there were any cache related issues.
I will PM you the db keys …
thanks …

I have changed the schema slightly and uploaded it. PlayerInfo is now:


FYI: I have 2 instances of the Fauna UI open at the same time in my Firefox browser because I do a lot of cross referencing. This is a convenience that saves a lot of time, but, possibly perhaps, it could affect this (?)…

Schema has undone some revision as I worked through other issues. Current is:

type User {
active: Boolean!
username: String!
description: String
email: String
mobile: String
playedAs: [Player!]! @relation

type Player {
active: Boolean!
rank: Int!
ranking: Ranking! @relation
challenger: User @relation

type Ranking {
active: Boolean!
rankingname: String!
rankingdesc: String
player: Player @relation

type Mutation {
  createNewUser(active: Boolean!, username : String!, password : String!, description: String, email: String, mobile: String): loginResult! @resolver(name: "create_new_user")
  loginUser(username: String!, password: String!): loginResult! @resolver(name: "login_user")

type Query {
  allUserNames: [String!]! @resolver(name: "all_user_names")
  allPlayerUIDs: [String!]! @resolver(name: "all_player_uids")
  allPlayerRanks: [Int!]! @resolver(name: "all_player_ranks")
  allPlayerChallengerUIDs: [String!]! @resolver(name: "all_player_challenger_uids")
  allPlayers: [Player] @resolver(name: "all_players")
  allRankings: [Ranking] @resolver(name: "all_rankings")
  allUsers: [User] @resolver(name: "all_users")
  gotPlayersByRankingId (rankingid: String!): [Player] @resolver(name: "got_players_byrankingid")
  gotRankingIdsByPlayer (uid: String!): [String] @resolver(name: "got_rankings_byplayerid")

type loginResult @embedded
  token : String
  logginUser : User

Apologies if this has caused any inconvenience …

TL;DR Re-uploading the schema worked for me.

So, I’ve been having similar problems and from the testing I’ve done it comes from the schema. I commented out most of my schema and re-uploaded it in stages. It works fine now, without and modifications to it.

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@NeotenicPrimate @Jay-Fauna
TL;DR - Only overriding the schema works.
I tried uploading the schema in stages, but, unfortunately, it’s not fixing it on my setup.
Previously I have overridden the schema, but, as the system states:
" Overriding a schema will delete all collections, indexes, and documents."
Although I could do this now as I only have relatively few documents, it’s not a viable solution when there are many more documents.
(I have tried in both Chrome and Firefox - same results)
Thanks for letting me know though … it was definitely worth trying …

I pared my schema down to just:

type User {
active: Boolean!
username: String!
description: String
email: String
mobile: String

Same issue …