Wanted to share a logging function I created to help debug UDFs. It’s still pretty fresh so open to feedback.
Since there isn’t a log per se, it uses a collection, log
, to store the messages. As a result, you likely won’t want to use this on a db that is heavily utilized or for which you pay but might be helpful for debugging.
It behaves like an identity function in that it returns the value it was provided after logging.
// adds a document to log with {value: 12} and returns 12. Not very useful :)
Call('log', {value: 12})
// adds a document to log with {message: 'help} and returns a Ref to that log
Call('log', {message: 'help})
// adds a document to log with message and value and returns 12.
Call('log', {message: 'current value', value: 12})
// creates a local var with a ref to the log created (since no value was provided)
log: Call('log', {message: '> my function'}),
// logs the Match() and links it to the log created above for traceability
Call('log', {log: Var("log"}, message: "match", value: Match(Index('my_index'))})
Here’s the full function body:
false, /* set to true to disable */
IsNull(Select("value", Var("args"), null)),
IsNull(Select("message", Var("args"), null))
Select("value", Var("args"), null),
log: Create(Collection("log"), {
data: {
parent: Select("log", Var("args"), null),
message: Select("message", Var("args"), null),
value: Select("value", Var("args"), null)
Select("value", Var("args"), Select("ref", Var("log"), null))