Strugging to Understand Custom Roles

First, let me say that I am trying to get all students that are part of the same organization as the logged-in user. The users collection is the document that is logged in, and as I understand it that is what CurrentIdentity() returns a reference to. But when a user token makes a request, I don’t get back the expected results.

I was hoping to have the roles only return data within the same organization. That way I didn’t have to make that filtering part of the selection. But I am worried I am going about this wrong.

Here is what I have so far that ends up with an empty array. All FQL passed fine in the shell.

I have a users collection that has an email address and a reference to an organization as orgsRef.

Here is an example -

    Collection('users'), {
      data: {
        email: '',
        orgsRef: Select("ref", Get(Match(Index("orgs_by_name"), "org-a"))),
        grants: {
          add_students: true,
          delete_students: true,

I also have students that have the same type of reference to a organization as orgsRef.

    Collection('students'), {
      data: {
        firstName: 'Jane',
        lastName: 'Doe',
        orgsRef: Select("ref", Get(Match(Index("orgs_by_name"), "org-a"))),

I can validate in the dashboard they both point to the same organization reference.

I created a custom role for basic users, where they can read students.

  name: "user",
  membership: {
    resource: Collection("users")
  privileges: [
      resource: Collection("students"),
      actions: {
        read: Query(
              Select(['data', 'orgsRef'], CurrentIdentity()),
              Select(['data', 'orgsRef'], Var("ref"))

I then try to query for the students with the following.

  Lambda("ref", {
    id: Select(["ref", "id"], Get(Var("ref"))),
    first: Select(["data", "firstName"], Get(Var("ref"))),
    last: Select(["data", "lastName"], Get(Var("ref")))

In the shell, it gets all students, which makes sense because of its an admin. When I do this with a user’s key, it gets back an empty array. What am I missing?

Here is the index on users.

  name: "users_by_email",
  source: Collection("users"),
  terms: [{ field: ["data", "email"] }],
  unique: true

Here are the orgs creation and its index.

CreateCollection({ name: "orgs" })

  name: "orgs_by_name",
  source: Collection("orgs"),
  terms: [{ field: ["data", "name"] }],
  unique: true

Finally here are the student’s collection creation and index.

CreateCollection({ name: "students" })

  name: "all_students",
  source: Collection("students"),

I appreciate the help in advance!

I see an issue with your role here:

Select(['data', 'orgsRef'], CurrentIdentity()),
Select(['data', 'orgsRef'], Var("ref"))

You are trying to select data from a reference instead of the underlying document it is pointing to. Try this:

Select(['data', 'orgsRef'], Get(CurrentIdentity())),
Select(['data', 'orgsRef'], Get(Var("ref")))
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Ohh man! Let me try and see if that resolves it ASAP. Thank you.