Unable to create access documents in privileges of custom role

I have a custom role with the following role definition

  name: "Student",
  privileges: [
      resource: Collection("Courses"),
      actions: { read: true },
      resource: Collection("Teachers"),
      actions: { read: true },
  membership: [
      resource: Collection("Students"),
      predicate: Query(
          Equals(Select(["data", "metadata", "role"], Get("ref")), "student")

When I try to access the documents in the Courses collection using this command

Paginate(Documents(Collection("Courses")), {size: 5})

with a server key, I get the expected result

  after: [Ref(Collection("Courses"), "277292924206585362")],
  data: [
    Ref(Collection("Courses"), "277292924206580242"),
    Ref(Collection("Courses"), "277292924206581266"),
    Ref(Collection("Courses"), "277292924206582290"),
    Ref(Collection("Courses"), "277292924206583314"),
    Ref(Collection("Courses"), "277292924206584338")

But when I try using the secret from the custom Student role I get this result

{ data: [] }

Here’s a document sample from the Courses collection

  "ref": Ref(Collection("Courses"), "277292924206581266"),
  "ts": 1600705990003000,
  "data": {
    "title": "blue Table",
    "description": "Enim repellat aut ea optio et et.",
    "teachers": [],
    "code": "BLU 396",
    "availableFor": [],
    "creditLoad": 3

and a document sample from the Students collection

  "ref": Ref(Collection("Students"), "277362121690317319"),
  "ts": 1600771983156000,
  "data": {
    "metadata": {
      "firstName": "Loma",
      "lastName": "Glover",
      "email": "loma.glover@skulment.edu",
      "role": "student",
      "currentClass": "Grade 7"

@vicradon I think this was answered in Slack that var was missing in Get.

Equals(Select(["data", "metadata", "role"], Get("ref")), "student")
should be
Equals(Select(["data", "metadata", "role"], Get(Var("ref"))), "student")

Yes, it has been answered here on the forum. You can close this now. Thanks.