Support Firebase Auth as an AuthProvider

I’m planning on using Fauna for a mid size project and I want to integrate Firebase as an Auth service, the guide only covers Auth0 and I haven’t been able to find any concrete answers of the integration anywhere. Is it possible ? If so is it the same process as integrating Auth0. I want to query directly from the client too.

Hi @aswinmohanme! Only Auth0 and Okta are officially supported at this time, so I’m going to edit this post title slightly and move it to “Feature Requests”.

Meanwhile, this might be helpful: FirebaseAuth + Faunadb Login

Thank you!


are there any updates on this subject ?

There is an update on that: Using AccessProviders other than Auth0 or Okta - #7 by Bryan_Fauna

Looks like Google supports two potential keys for google identity/firebase auth that are rotated every two weeks. Is fauna capable of using the kid to find the right one with this new change. the documentation on the auth rework is somewhat vague on it