yep that will do it 
Your binding, along with the example document, will create over 1000 index entries. See below.
It appears you are mixing the two implementations that were shared in the StackOverflow answer: partial string match and fuzzy search.
How to use ngram efficiently for fuzzy search
ngram(x, 3, 3)
should be the only implementation you need.
For longer bodies of text, including entries of fewer than 3 characters is just noise. Most sufficiently long strings will contain every letter or combination of 2 characters, and any hits on the search cannot be reasonably sorted by relevance.
Additionally, there are vastly diminishing returns on grams with length > 3. Beyond a gram size of 3, you get too many strange grams that include the ends of some words and beginnings of other words. Such entries become increasingly unlikely to be searched on. Consider this entry towards the end:
"y doses of the vaccine do i have to g"
For fuzzy search, you are not trying to match full strings; this is another reason not to create grams larger than 3 characters. For fuzzy search, you also break down the search term into its grams and then Union
the result of searching by each gram. You can refer back to the SO answer for that.
using only grams of size 3 creates about 40 entries. See below.
Considerations for exact match search
- Do not index on substrings of less than 3 characters. Same note as above applies for 1 or 2-character matches.
- Limit the maximum size of the search term as much as possible.
- Consider requiring the search terms to be on word boundaries. (this does not need ngram, but more like the string-split example)
- If the field to be indexed is long, limit the index to just the first n characters of the target field.
example index binding result
" ",
"w ",
" m",
"y ",
" d",
"s ",
" o",
"f ",
" t",
"e ",
" v",
"o ",
" i",
"i ",
" h",
" g",
"ow ",
"w m",
" ma",
"ny ",
"y d",
" do",
"es ",
"s o",
" of",
"of ",
"f t",
" th",
"he ",
"e v",
" va",
"ne ",
"e d",
"do ",
"o i",
" i ",
"i h",
" ha",
"ve ",
"e t",
" to",
"to ",
"o g",
" ge",
"how ",
"ow m",
"w ma",
" man",
"any ",
"ny d",
"y do",
" dos",
"ses ",
"es o",
"s of",
" of ",
"of t",
"f th",
" the",
"the ",
"he v",
"e va",
" vac",
"ine ",
"ne d",
"e do",
" do ",
"do i",
"o i ",
" i h",
"i ha",
" hav",
"ave ",
"ve t",
"e to",
" to ",
"to g",
"o ge",
" get",
"how m",
"ow ma",
"w man",
" many",
"many ",
"any d",
"ny do",
"y dos",
" dose",
"oses ",
"ses o",
"es of",
"s of ",
" of t",
"of th",
"f the",
" the ",
"the v",
"he va",
"e vac",
" vacc",
"cine ",
"ine d",
"ne do",
"e do ",
" do i",
"do i ",
"o i h",
" i ha",
"i hav",
" have",
"have ",
"ave t",
"ve to",
"e to ",
" to g",
"to ge",
"o get",
" get?",
"how ma",
"ow man",
"w many",
" many ",
"many d",
"any do",
"ny dos",
"y dose",
" doses",
"doses ",
"oses o",
"ses of",
"es of ",
"s of t",
" of th",
"of the",
"f the ",
" the v",
"the va",
"he vac",
"e vacc",
" vacci",
"ccine ",
"cine d",
"ine do",
"ne do ",
"e do i",
" do i ",
"do i h",
"o i ha",
" i hav",
"i have",
" have ",
"have t",
"ave to",
"ve to ",
"e to g",
" to ge",
"to get",
"o get?",
"how man",
"ow many",
"w many ",
" many d",
"many do",
"any dos",
"ny dose",
"y doses",
" doses ",
"doses o",
"oses of",
"ses of ",
"es of t",
"s of th",
" of the",
"of the ",
"f the v",
" the va",
"the vac",
"he vacc",
"e vacci",
" vaccin",
"accine ",
"ccine d",
"cine do",
"ine do ",
"ne do i",
"e do i ",
" do i h",
"do i ha",
"o i hav",
" i have",
"i have ",
" have t",
"have to",
"ave to ",
"ve to g",
"e to ge",
" to get",
"to get?",
"how many",
"ow many ",
"w many d",
" many do",
"many dos",
"any dose",
"ny doses",
"y doses ",
" doses o",
"doses of",
"oses of ",
"ses of t",
"es of th",
"s of the",
" of the ",
"of the v",
"f the va",
" the vac",
"the vacc",
"he vacci",
"e vaccin",
" vaccine",
"vaccine ",
"accine d",
"ccine do",
"cine do ",
"ine do i",
"ne do i ",
"e do i h",
" do i ha",
"do i hav",
"o i have",
" i have ",
"i have t",
" have to",
"have to ",
"ave to g",
"ve to ge",
"e to get",
" to get?",
"how many ",
"ow many d",
"w many do",
" many dos",
"many dose",
"any doses",
"ny doses ",
"y doses o",
" doses of",
"doses of ",
"oses of t",
"ses of th",
"es of the",
"s of the ",
" of the v",
"of the va",
"f the vac",
" the vacc",
"the vacci",
"he vaccin",
"e vaccine",
" vaccine ",
"vaccine d",
"accine do",
"ccine do ",
"cine do i",
"ine do i ",
"ne do i h",
"e do i ha",
" do i hav",
"do i have",
"o i have ",
" i have t",
"i have to",
" have to ",
"have to g",
"ave to ge",
"ve to get",
"e to get?",
"how many d",
"ow many do",
"w many dos",
" many dose",
"many doses",
"any doses ",
"ny doses o",
"y doses of",
" doses of ",
"doses of t",
"oses of th",
"ses of the",
"es of the ",
"s of the v",
" of the va",
"of the vac",
"f the vacc",
" the vacci",
"the vaccin",
"he vaccine",
"e vaccine ",
" vaccine d",
"vaccine do",
"accine do ",
"ccine do i",
"cine do i ",
"ine do i h",
"ne do i ha",
"e do i hav",
" do i have",
"do i have ",
"o i have t",
" i have to",
"i have to ",
" have to g",
"have to ge",
"ave to get",
"ve to get?",
"how many do",
"ow many dos",
"w many dose",
" many doses",
"many doses ",
"any doses o",
"ny doses of",
"y doses of ",
" doses of t",
"doses of th",
"oses of the",
"ses of the ",
"es of the v",
"s of the va",
" of the vac",
"of the vacc",
"f the vacci",
" the vaccin",
"the vaccine",
"he vaccine ",
"e vaccine d",
" vaccine do",
"vaccine do ",
"accine do i",
"ccine do i ",
"cine do i h",
"ine do i ha",
"ne do i hav",
"e do i have",
" do i have ",
"do i have t",
"o i have to",
" i have to ",
"i have to g",
" have to ge",
"have to get",
"ave to get?",
"how many dos",
"ow many dose",
"w many doses",
" many doses ",
"many doses o",
"any doses of",
"ny doses of ",
"y doses of t",
" doses of th",
"doses of the",
"oses of the ",
"ses of the v",
"es of the va",
"s of the vac",
" of the vacc",
"of the vacci",
"f the vaccin",
" the vaccine",
"the vaccine ",
"he vaccine d",
"e vaccine do",
" vaccine do ",
"vaccine do i",
"accine do i ",
"ccine do i h",
"cine do i ha",
"ine do i hav",
"ne do i have",
"e do i have ",
" do i have t",
"do i have to",
"o i have to ",
" i have to g",
"i have to ge",
" have to get",
"have to get?",
"how many dose",
"ow many doses",
"w many doses ",
" many doses o",
"many doses of",
"any doses of ",
"ny doses of t",
"y doses of th",
" doses of the",
"doses of the ",
"oses of the v",
"ses of the va",
"es of the vac",
"s of the vacc",
" of the vacci",
"of the vaccin",
"f the vaccine",
" the vaccine ",
"the vaccine d",
"he vaccine do",
"e vaccine do ",
" vaccine do i",
"vaccine do i ",
"accine do i h",
"ccine do i ha",
"cine do i hav",
"ine do i have",
"ne do i have ",
"e do i have t",
" do i have to",
"do i have to ",
"o i have to g",
" i have to ge",
"i have to get",
" have to get?",
"how many doses",
"ow many doses ",
"w many doses o",
" many doses of",
"many doses of ",
"any doses of t",
"ny doses of th",
"y doses of the",
" doses of the ",
"doses of the v",
"oses of the va",
"ses of the vac",
"es of the vacc",
"s of the vacci",
" of the vaccin",
"of the vaccine",
"f the vaccine ",
" the vaccine d",
"the vaccine do",
"he vaccine do ",
"e vaccine do i",
" vaccine do i ",
"vaccine do i h",
"accine do i ha",
"ccine do i hav",
"cine do i have",
"ine do i have ",
"ne do i have t",
"e do i have to",
" do i have to ",
"do i have to g",
"o i have to ge",
" i have to get",
"i have to get?",
"how many doses ",
"ow many doses o",
"w many doses of",
" many doses of ",
"many doses of t",
"any doses of th",
"ny doses of the",
"y doses of the ",
" doses of the v",
"doses of the va",
"oses of the vac",
"ses of the vacc",
"es of the vacci",
"s of the vaccin",
" of the vaccine",
"of the vaccine ",
"f the vaccine d",
" the vaccine do",
"the vaccine do ",
"he vaccine do i",
"e vaccine do i ",
" vaccine do i h",
"vaccine do i ha",
"accine do i hav",
"ccine do i have",
"cine do i have ",
"ine do i have t",
"ne do i have to",
"e do i have to ",
" do i have to g",
"do i have to ge",
"o i have to get",
" i have to get?",
"how many doses o",
"ow many doses of",
"w many doses of ",
" many doses of t",
"many doses of th",
"any doses of the",
"ny doses of the ",
"y doses of the v",
" doses of the va",
"doses of the vac",
"oses of the vacc",
"ses of the vacci",
"es of the vaccin",
"s of the vaccine",
" of the vaccine ",
"of the vaccine d",
"f the vaccine do",
" the vaccine do ",
"the vaccine do i",
"he vaccine do i ",
"e vaccine do i h",
" vaccine do i ha",
"vaccine do i hav",
"accine do i have",
"ccine do i have ",
"cine do i have t",
"ine do i have to",
"ne do i have to ",
"e do i have to g",
" do i have to ge",
"do i have to get",
"o i have to get?",
"how many doses of",
"ow many doses of ",
"w many doses of t",
" many doses of th",
"many doses of the",
"any doses of the ",
"ny doses of the v",
"y doses of the va",
" doses of the vac",
"doses of the vacc",
"oses of the vacci",
"ses of the vaccin",
"es of the vaccine",
"s of the vaccine ",
" of the vaccine d",
"of the vaccine do",
"f the vaccine do ",
" the vaccine do i",
"the vaccine do i ",
"he vaccine do i h",
"e vaccine do i ha",
" vaccine do i hav",
"vaccine do i have",
"accine do i have ",
"ccine do i have t",
"cine do i have to",
"ine do i have to ",
"ne do i have to g",
"e do i have to ge",
" do i have to get",
"do i have to get?",
"how many doses of ",
"ow many doses of t",
"w many doses of th",
" many doses of the",
"many doses of the ",
"any doses of the v",
"ny doses of the va",
"y doses of the vac",
" doses of the vacc",
"doses of the vacci",
"oses of the vaccin",
"ses of the vaccine",
"es of the vaccine ",
"s of the vaccine d",
" of the vaccine do",
"of the vaccine do ",
"f the vaccine do i",
" the vaccine do i ",
"the vaccine do i h",
"he vaccine do i ha",
"e vaccine do i hav",
" vaccine do i have",
"vaccine do i have ",
"accine do i have t",
"ccine do i have to",
"cine do i have to ",
"ine do i have to g",
"ne do i have to ge",
"e do i have to get",
" do i have to get?",
"how many doses of t",
"ow many doses of th",
"w many doses of the",
" many doses of the ",
"many doses of the v",
"any doses of the va",
"ny doses of the vac",
"y doses of the vacc",
" doses of the vacci",
"doses of the vaccin",
"oses of the vaccine",
"ses of the vaccine ",
"es of the vaccine d",
"s of the vaccine do",
" of the vaccine do ",
"of the vaccine do i",
"f the vaccine do i ",
" the vaccine do i h",
"the vaccine do i ha",
"he vaccine do i hav",
"e vaccine do i have",
" vaccine do i have ",
"vaccine do i have t",
"accine do i have to",
"ccine do i have to ",
"cine do i have to g",
"ine do i have to ge",
"ne do i have to get",
"e do i have to get?",
"how many doses of th",
"ow many doses of the",
"w many doses of the ",
" many doses of the v",
"many doses of the va",
"any doses of the vac",
"ny doses of the vacc",
"y doses of the vacci",
" doses of the vaccin",
"doses of the vaccine",
"oses of the vaccine ",
"ses of the vaccine d",
"es of the vaccine do",
"s of the vaccine do ",
" of the vaccine do i",
"of the vaccine do i ",
"f the vaccine do i h",
" the vaccine do i ha",
"the vaccine do i hav",
"he vaccine do i have",
"e vaccine do i have ",
" vaccine do i have t",
"vaccine do i have to",
"accine do i have to ",
"ccine do i have to g",
"cine do i have to ge",
"ine do i have to get",
"ne do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the",
"ow many doses of the ",
"w many doses of the v",
" many doses of the va",
"many doses of the vac",
"any doses of the vacc",
"ny doses of the vacci",
"y doses of the vaccin",
" doses of the vaccine",
"doses of the vaccine ",
"oses of the vaccine d",
"ses of the vaccine do",
"es of the vaccine do ",
"s of the vaccine do i",
" of the vaccine do i ",
"of the vaccine do i h",
"f the vaccine do i ha",
" the vaccine do i hav",
"the vaccine do i have",
"he vaccine do i have ",
"e vaccine do i have t",
" vaccine do i have to",
"vaccine do i have to ",
"accine do i have to g",
"ccine do i have to ge",
"cine do i have to get",
"ine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the ",
"ow many doses of the v",
"w many doses of the va",
" many doses of the vac",
"many doses of the vacc",
"any doses of the vacci",
"ny doses of the vaccin",
"y doses of the vaccine",
" doses of the vaccine ",
"doses of the vaccine d",
"oses of the vaccine do",
"ses of the vaccine do ",
"es of the vaccine do i",
"s of the vaccine do i ",
" of the vaccine do i h",
"of the vaccine do i ha",
"f the vaccine do i hav",
" the vaccine do i have",
"the vaccine do i have ",
"he vaccine do i have t",
"e vaccine do i have to",
" vaccine do i have to ",
"vaccine do i have to g",
"accine do i have to ge",
"ccine do i have to get",
"cine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the v",
"ow many doses of the va",
"w many doses of the vac",
" many doses of the vacc",
"many doses of the vacci",
"any doses of the vaccin",
"ny doses of the vaccine",
"y doses of the vaccine ",
" doses of the vaccine d",
"doses of the vaccine do",
"oses of the vaccine do ",
"ses of the vaccine do i",
"es of the vaccine do i ",
"s of the vaccine do i h",
" of the vaccine do i ha",
"of the vaccine do i hav",
"f the vaccine do i have",
" the vaccine do i have ",
"the vaccine do i have t",
"he vaccine do i have to",
"e vaccine do i have to ",
" vaccine do i have to g",
"vaccine do i have to ge",
"accine do i have to get",
"ccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the va",
"ow many doses of the vac",
"w many doses of the vacc",
" many doses of the vacci",
"many doses of the vaccin",
"any doses of the vaccine",
"ny doses of the vaccine ",
"y doses of the vaccine d",
" doses of the vaccine do",
"doses of the vaccine do ",
"oses of the vaccine do i",
"ses of the vaccine do i ",
"es of the vaccine do i h",
"s of the vaccine do i ha",
" of the vaccine do i hav",
"of the vaccine do i have",
"f the vaccine do i have ",
" the vaccine do i have t",
"the vaccine do i have to",
"he vaccine do i have to ",
"e vaccine do i have to g",
" vaccine do i have to ge",
"vaccine do i have to get",
"accine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vac",
"ow many doses of the vacc",
"w many doses of the vacci",
" many doses of the vaccin",
"many doses of the vaccine",
"any doses of the vaccine ",
"ny doses of the vaccine d",
"y doses of the vaccine do",
" doses of the vaccine do ",
"doses of the vaccine do i",
"oses of the vaccine do i ",
"ses of the vaccine do i h",
"es of the vaccine do i ha",
"s of the vaccine do i hav",
" of the vaccine do i have",
"of the vaccine do i have ",
"f the vaccine do i have t",
" the vaccine do i have to",
"the vaccine do i have to ",
"he vaccine do i have to g",
"e vaccine do i have to ge",
" vaccine do i have to get",
"vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vacc",
"ow many doses of the vacci",
"w many doses of the vaccin",
" many doses of the vaccine",
"many doses of the vaccine ",
"any doses of the vaccine d",
"ny doses of the vaccine do",
"y doses of the vaccine do ",
" doses of the vaccine do i",
"doses of the vaccine do i ",
"oses of the vaccine do i h",
"ses of the vaccine do i ha",
"es of the vaccine do i hav",
"s of the vaccine do i have",
" of the vaccine do i have ",
"of the vaccine do i have t",
"f the vaccine do i have to",
" the vaccine do i have to ",
"the vaccine do i have to g",
"he vaccine do i have to ge",
"e vaccine do i have to get",
" vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vacci",
"ow many doses of the vaccin",
"w many doses of the vaccine",
" many doses of the vaccine ",
"many doses of the vaccine d",
"any doses of the vaccine do",
"ny doses of the vaccine do ",
"y doses of the vaccine do i",
" doses of the vaccine do i ",
"doses of the vaccine do i h",
"oses of the vaccine do i ha",
"ses of the vaccine do i hav",
"es of the vaccine do i have",
"s of the vaccine do i have ",
" of the vaccine do i have t",
"of the vaccine do i have to",
"f the vaccine do i have to ",
" the vaccine do i have to g",
"the vaccine do i have to ge",
"he vaccine do i have to get",
"e vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vaccin",
"ow many doses of the vaccine",
"w many doses of the vaccine ",
" many doses of the vaccine d",
"many doses of the vaccine do",
"any doses of the vaccine do ",
"ny doses of the vaccine do i",
"y doses of the vaccine do i ",
" doses of the vaccine do i h",
"doses of the vaccine do i ha",
"oses of the vaccine do i hav",
"ses of the vaccine do i have",
"es of the vaccine do i have ",
"s of the vaccine do i have t",
" of the vaccine do i have to",
"of the vaccine do i have to ",
"f the vaccine do i have to g",
" the vaccine do i have to ge",
"the vaccine do i have to get",
"he vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vaccine",
"ow many doses of the vaccine ",
"w many doses of the vaccine d",
" many doses of the vaccine do",
"many doses of the vaccine do ",
"any doses of the vaccine do i",
"ny doses of the vaccine do i ",
"y doses of the vaccine do i h",
" doses of the vaccine do i ha",
"doses of the vaccine do i hav",
"oses of the vaccine do i have",
"ses of the vaccine do i have ",
"es of the vaccine do i have t",
"s of the vaccine do i have to",
" of the vaccine do i have to ",
"of the vaccine do i have to g",
"f the vaccine do i have to ge",
" the vaccine do i have to get",
"the vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vaccine ",
"ow many doses of the vaccine d",
"w many doses of the vaccine do",
" many doses of the vaccine do ",
"many doses of the vaccine do i",
"any doses of the vaccine do i ",
"ny doses of the vaccine do i h",
"y doses of the vaccine do i ha",
" doses of the vaccine do i hav",
"doses of the vaccine do i have",
"oses of the vaccine do i have ",
"ses of the vaccine do i have t",
"es of the vaccine do i have to",
"s of the vaccine do i have to ",
" of the vaccine do i have to g",
"of the vaccine do i have to ge",
"f the vaccine do i have to get",
" the vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vaccine d",
"ow many doses of the vaccine do",
"w many doses of the vaccine do ",
" many doses of the vaccine do i",
"many doses of the vaccine do i ",
"any doses of the vaccine do i h",
"ny doses of the vaccine do i ha",
"y doses of the vaccine do i hav",
" doses of the vaccine do i have",
"doses of the vaccine do i have ",
"oses of the vaccine do i have t",
"ses of the vaccine do i have to",
"es of the vaccine do i have to ",
"s of the vaccine do i have to g",
" of the vaccine do i have to ge",
"of the vaccine do i have to get",
"f the vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vaccine do",
"ow many doses of the vaccine do ",
"w many doses of the vaccine do i",
" many doses of the vaccine do i ",
"many doses of the vaccine do i h",
"any doses of the vaccine do i ha",
"ny doses of the vaccine do i hav",
"y doses of the vaccine do i have",
" doses of the vaccine do i have ",
"doses of the vaccine do i have t",
"oses of the vaccine do i have to",
"ses of the vaccine do i have to ",
"es of the vaccine do i have to g",
"s of the vaccine do i have to ge",
" of the vaccine do i have to get",
"of the vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vaccine do ",
"ow many doses of the vaccine do i",
"w many doses of the vaccine do i ",
" many doses of the vaccine do i h",
"many doses of the vaccine do i ha",
"any doses of the vaccine do i hav",
"ny doses of the vaccine do i have",
"y doses of the vaccine do i have ",
" doses of the vaccine do i have t",
"doses of the vaccine do i have to",
"oses of the vaccine do i have to ",
"ses of the vaccine do i have to g",
"es of the vaccine do i have to ge",
"s of the vaccine do i have to get",
" of the vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vaccine do i",
"ow many doses of the vaccine do i ",
"w many doses of the vaccine do i h",
" many doses of the vaccine do i ha",
"many doses of the vaccine do i hav",
"any doses of the vaccine do i have",
"ny doses of the vaccine do i have ",
"y doses of the vaccine do i have t",
" doses of the vaccine do i have to",
"doses of the vaccine do i have to ",
"oses of the vaccine do i have to g",
"ses of the vaccine do i have to ge",
"es of the vaccine do i have to get",
"s of the vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vaccine do i ",
"ow many doses of the vaccine do i h",
"w many doses of the vaccine do i ha",
" many doses of the vaccine do i hav",
"many doses of the vaccine do i have",
"any doses of the vaccine do i have ",
"ny doses of the vaccine do i have t",
"y doses of the vaccine do i have to",
" doses of the vaccine do i have to ",
"doses of the vaccine do i have to g",
"oses of the vaccine do i have to ge",
"ses of the vaccine do i have to get",
"es of the vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vaccine do i h",
"ow many doses of the vaccine do i ha",
"w many doses of the vaccine do i hav",
" many doses of the vaccine do i have",
"many doses of the vaccine do i have ",
"any doses of the vaccine do i have t",
"ny doses of the vaccine do i have to",
"y doses of the vaccine do i have to ",
" doses of the vaccine do i have to g",
"doses of the vaccine do i have to ge",
"oses of the vaccine do i have to get",
"ses of the vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vaccine do i ha",
"ow many doses of the vaccine do i hav",
"w many doses of the vaccine do i have",
" many doses of the vaccine do i have ",
"many doses of the vaccine do i have t",
"any doses of the vaccine do i have to",
"ny doses of the vaccine do i have to ",
"y doses of the vaccine do i have to g",
" doses of the vaccine do i have to ge",
"doses of the vaccine do i have to get",
"oses of the vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vaccine do i hav",
"ow many doses of the vaccine do i have",
"w many doses of the vaccine do i have ",
" many doses of the vaccine do i have t",
"many doses of the vaccine do i have to",
"any doses of the vaccine do i have to ",
"ny doses of the vaccine do i have to g",
"y doses of the vaccine do i have to ge",
" doses of the vaccine do i have to get",
"doses of the vaccine do i have to get?",
"how many doses of the vaccine do i have",
"ow many doses of the vaccine do i have ",
"w many doses of the vaccine do i have t",
" many doses of the vaccine do i have to",
"many doses of the vaccine do i have to ",
"any doses of the vaccine do i have to g",
"ny doses of the vaccine do i have to ge",
"y doses of the vaccine do i have to get",
" doses of the vaccine do i have to get?"
example with gram size = 3
"ow ",
"w m",
" ma",
"ny ",
"y d",
" do",
"es ",
"s o",
" of",
"of ",
"f t",
" th",
"he ",
"e v",
" va",
"ne ",
"e d",
"do ",
"o i",
" i ",
"i h",
" ha",
"ve ",
"e t",
" to",
"to ",
"o g",
" ge",