Health check endpoint

I’m setting up a status page for my app which uses Fauna and I wanted to be able to provide a status monitor for my database - does Fauna have a health check endpoint I can ping to display the up to date health of my database/Fauna?

Hi @jayhoogle,

What do you expect getting back from the database as a result of your call?


Hi Luigi,

Ideally just a 200 OK response, similar to how Apollo Server responds to any call made to /.well-known/apollo/server-health (as documented here) - if the server’s down for any reason, the health check will fail and a remote status tool can update users to let them know there’s an issue with the database.

Is there anything like that at the moment?


Hi @jayhoogle,

might be enough?

{ "resource": "Scope write is OK" }


@Luigi_Servini that is perfect, exactly what I needed.

Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly :smiley:
