Hello everyone!
I like FaunaDB and would like to use it. However one concern I had is how I could manage a situation in which a customer of mine asks for a self-hosted version of my application.
I have though about maintaining a PostgreSQL database using the graphql extension so I don’t have to change too much in my client application as I hope to use the same graphql queries for the actual Fauna database as well.
I wanted to ask the users of FaunaDB if they ever were in a similar situation and how they handled it.
In addition to that I am still trying to wrap my head around how I can prevent a vendor lock in as FaunaDB is quiet a new database with new functionality and the code is not open source. I have seen that FaunaDB released some tools that help to import data but in case I am not happy with the database anymore I am not sure how I can move away / transfer the data to another database that is either on-premise or hosted by someone else. It feels quiet important to consider this as I have seen a thread about the change in pricing which hit a lot of people that were calculating with the old pricing model.