Renaming database


Could someone confirm that when renaming a database, a new database is NOT created.

I ask because the button on the settings page says “CREATE” instead of “UPDATE”.

Hi @shami! If you are on the page for editing the database, if you change the name and click (what is currently) the “CREATE” button, the database will be updated. It will not create a new one.

The dashboard needs to be updated, so thanks for sharing this! We’ve created an internal issue for us to track and get this fixed.

change the name of a database:

click CREATE, and you get a banner to confirm it was updated.

Editing a database in the dashboard is that same as the following FQL query:

Update(dbRef, { name: "new_name" })

Brilliant! Thank you.

@shami and other readers, an update has been deployed to the dashboard to correct the “CREATE” button to “SAVE”. Thanks, again, for the feedback!


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